Hi all,
The IGF secretariat requested a shorter version of the DC3 Declaration that can more
easily fit into the IGF Survey.
The IGF Survey was first introduced last year and aims at allowing IGF participants to
express feedback on DC outcomes
FYI, here are some examples of DC outcomes already included into surveys
As you can imagine, it is not possible to reduce/simplify too much the content of the
Declaration but I have tried to do some cuts. See here
Please do not hesitate to further reduce. Help with this is much appreciated.
Also, please note that both the Outcome paper and the DC3 report will include the entire
Declaration. The shortened version is ONLY needed to make the Declaration fit into the
(quite limited) format of the IGF survey.
I will send the short version to the secretariat on 15 November. Any help reducing the
text by then is very welcome.
[FGV Direito Rio]
Luca Belli, PhD
Senior Researcher
Head of Internet Governance @ FGV<http://internet-governance.fgv.br/>
+55 21 3799 5763