Hi everyone,
I'm being asked by Código Sur if we want to keep the website online
and/or migrate it to WordPress on the same infrastruture.
Please advise.
Hi everyone,
I want to share this article
<https://ssir.org/articles/entry/scaling_power_for_global_prosperity#> with
you all about ending energy poverty and what is needed to address
electrification. I particularly liked this paragraph (emphasis mine):
*"The mobile phone revolution is often cited as an example that can be
replicated for energy. But mobile communications technology actually
exemplifies the need for high-energy systems. Charging phone batteries
accounts for less than 1 percent of the energy required for a smartphone to
operate. The other 99 percent is needed by the wider economy to manufacture
the phone, and to run the cell towers and data centers that enable the
phone to function. The mobile phone is a high-energy technology
masquerading as a low-energy one."*
Dear all,
We share with you this call for an ITU course, regarding community
Karla Velasco Ramos
+52 1 55 36 66 69 24
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Comunicación Redes A.C. <comunicacion(a)redesac.org.mx>
Date: Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 5:24 PM
Subject: CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA: Programa de formación de promotores(as)
técnicos en comunidades indígenas
*Programa de formación de promotoras y promotores técnicos en comunidades
indígenas para la generación, desarrollo y mantenimiento de tecnologías de
redes de comunicación y radiodifusión.*
La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) invita a los colectivos
u organizaciones que trabajan proyectos de comunicación comunitaria y
telecomunicaciones en comunidades indígenas de América Latina a participar
en este nuevo programa de formación que consta de* 5 cursos en línea
*y un *Campamento
de formación y entrenamiento presencial *con duración de 10 días en Oaxaca,
Las temáticas que se trabajarán en línea son:
- Comunicación comunitaria y tecnologías
- Electricidad y electrónica básicas
- Radiofrecuencia y redes de computadoras
- Entorno regulatorio de las telecomunicaciones y la radiodifusión
- Sostenibilidad en proyectos de telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión
La etapa presencial se enfocará en *3 especialidades*:
- Radiodifusión
- Redes comunitarias
- Telefonía celular comunitaria
http://bit.ly/2HsZWa5 Se envía también de manera adjunta.
*Fecha límite de entrega de solicitudes de ingreso: 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019*
*Enviar solicitud de ingreso a: ITU-RO-Americas-trainings(a)itu.int
<ITU-RO-Americas-trainings(a)itu.int> *
*Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad A.C.*
Tel: +52 (55) 36409467
Dear all,
The netCommons.eu research project has finished and one of its final outputs will be an accessible book on CNs written with the "booksprint" methodology over a week at Vic in Catalonia, the birthplace of guifi.net.
It was first submitted as a project report and will soon be published by APC as a normal book in the coming months.
Before starting the copy-editing process, the editors (Felix Treguer and Melanie Du Long de Rosnay) thought to give a chance to the overall community
to review the draft.
Significant changes cannot be made at this time, but it would be very much appreciated if you could:
- spot possible factual mistakes, or
- suggest to add a missing reference, a definition, an appendix
- possibly propose a short story (but be sure to speak to the editors first),
- last but not least: suggest a better title for the book
The deadline for your feedback/input is March 13th.
The book was initially co-written on google docs (sorry :-)), transferred to LaTeX, and back to google doc (with some problems) here:
Thanks in advance!
On behalf of the booksprint team,
my understanding is that the Maori were granted 2G spectrum some years
back but more recently when they requested the same for 4G they were
told either no or wait and that has not been resolved to this day.
On 05/03/19 6:00, dc3-request(a)listas.altermundi.net wrote:
> Send DC3 mailing list submissions to
> dc3(a)listas.altermundi.net
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://listas.altermundi.net/mailman/listinfo/dc3
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> dc3-request(a)listas.altermundi.net
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> dc3-owner(a)listas.altermundi.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of DC3 digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Maori claim on spectrum (Steve Song)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2019 18:19:23 -0400
> From: Steve Song <steve(a)villagetelco.org>
> To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity
> <dc3(a)listas.altermundi.net>
> Subject: [DC3] Maori claim on spectrum
> Message-ID:
> <CAD_CWO1osy3=QL7GCaiwiAQFctHffV2cY7YoEYjvPLcUr5Ozyw(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> This is an interesting piece on a Maori claim of spectrum sovereignty going
> back 10 years
> https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/03/government-yet-to-determine…
> Cheers... Steve