Hi all,
Thanks to all those who provided inputs and feedback on the draft Rules of Procedure.
The final draft is available here https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/DC3_Rules_of_Procedure
I have tried to integrate all your suggestions. Please let me know if I have forgotten anything. If there is no further modification or any objection, we can considerate the rules as adopted.
All the best
Dear all,
Our proposal has been accepted!!!
For panellists: please see below info on RightsCon tikets (with possible discounts/exemptions) and funding.
Here is the proposal link https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/RightsCon_Session_Proposal
De: Nick Dagostino [nickd(a)accessnow.org]
Enviado: quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2016 15:58
Para: Luca Belli
Assunto: RightsCon Silicon Valley
Dear Luca Belli,
Thank you very much for your submission to host a session at RightsCon Silicon Valley 2016.
The Program Committee has reviewed your proposal, and I’m very pleased to inform you that your session ID#183 "Net Neutrality Principles and Exceptions" has been accepted! You should be really pleased, as there was intense competition with over 300 proposals from 50 countries for only a limited number of spaces. Congratulations!
Now begins the fun part. One of the things that makes RightsCon so special is our concerted attention to the program and its development. Therefore, we will be in touch very shortly as to the details of your session, and individualized recommendations from our Program Committee for ways to best integrate your session at RightsCon. This will help to ensure the session’s focus on producing outcomes, and that geographic, stakeholder, and gender diversity is represented in the session’s speakers and participants. We may also propose additional all-star speakers to join your session!
For now, this email is your cue to begin logistical preparations for RightsCon. Below is important information about tickets (and our discount system), general housekeeping, and other information related to your travel to San Francisco. Please review this and contact me with any questions you may have, and expect a follow up email with more programmatic information pertaining to your session.
When: The Conference will take place from Wednesday March 30th to Friday April 1st at the Mission Bay Conference Center<http://www.acc-missionbayconferencecenter.com/> in San Francisco. The schedule is still in development, so we will be in touch with details as to the dates, times and rooms for your session.
Official programming will begin at 9am on March 30th (including the Opening Ceremonies), but you may want to arrive in San Francisco early to participate in the amazing Satellite Events and social activities that will take place on Day 0, Tuesday March 29th.
We will be raising money for participants until the day of the conference. However, an extraordinary high volume of those that submitted proposals have requested assistance. Currently, we are processing those travel funding requests and will notify recipients within the coming weeks. However, given the limited amount of funds, we suggest that you begin seeking assistance elsewhere.
We're absolutely committed to ensuring that everyone can participate, but due to the nature of this conference, in which a high proportion of people attending are speaking or session hosts, we are asking that those with the means to do so pay for tickets. This allows us to fund activists and advocates from around the world.
Over the years, RightsCon has provided partial or complete support for hundreds of people from over 35 countries including Sudan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Brazil, Thailand, Uganda, and many more. We think that’s pretty awesome, and we wouldn’t have been able to do this without the generous support from our funders and people like you. So, thanks!
For those of you who are able to cover the full cost of the ticket (ranging from $250 and up), simply follow this link<http://rightscon.org/tickets>. Anyone who can't, here are links which will give 25%<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rightscon-silicon-valley-2016-tickets-19158023…>, 50%<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rightscon-silicon-valley-2016-tickets-19158023…>, 75%<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rightscon-silicon-valley-2016-tickets-19158023…> or 100%<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rightscon-silicon-valley-2016-tickets-19158023…> off. People can choose whichever is appropriate for their circumstances. Having all participate at RightsCon Silicon Valley 2016<https://www.rightscon.org/> is the most important thing to us.
These rates apply for your session’s speakers as well, and you can offer those discounts to them. Please direct them to the RightsCon Ticket Page<https://www.rightscon.org/tickets>, where they can utilize the following discount codes in the Eventbrite order form: RCPART25 (25% off), RCPART50 (50% off), RCPART75 (75%), or RCPART100 (100% off).
Information about obtaining U.S Visas will be provided shortly in the subsequent email. In the meantime, please contact us with any questions you have about obtaining U.S Visas, or if you require an invitation letter.
We have assembled a map of recommended hotels in proximity to the Mission Bay Conference Center, which you can find here<https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=zGKgiILd35P0.kx42OXcTuipQ>.
If you have any questions please let us know, and we look forward to working with you!
Nick Dagostino
PS We'd love you to let the world know your session has been approved. Feel free to tweet on the hashtag #rightscon or @rightscon
Nick Dagostino
RightsCon Coordinator
Access Now | accessnow.orgrightscon.org
Get your tickets for RightsCon Silicon Valley 2016, March 30 - April 1, 2016
Subscribe to the Access Now Express, our weekly newsletter on digital rights
Dear all,
Apologies for the delay, I had a quite intense week.
Please find the list of proposed website and domain prices here https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/dc3_website
Should you deem it necessary, we can have a vote to select the domain name over the next week. However, it seems to me that CommunityConnectivity.xyz (proposed by Bob) would be an excellent solution, because it is very explicit and also very cheap (only 5$ :)
Also please find the draft Rules of Procedure here https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/DC3_Rules_of_Procedure
Feel free to edit/comment the document until 5 February. (and apologies in advance if the draft is too legalistic :)
As soon as we will have a domain name, we could start developing a website (thanks Raoul and Maureen for volunteering with this!!). We basically need 4 pages i.e. About, Members, Sources, News&Ideas. All other suggestions are welcome.
So far all the existing info on the DC3 can be found on the IGF website https://www.intgovforum.org/cms/175-igf-2015/3014-dynamic-coalition-on-comm…
Finally, RightsCon organisers haven't released any news re the selected proposal yet. I will share a mail as soon as I will have info.
Have an excellent weekend!
Dear Secretariat,
Could you please let me know if any further info is needed in order to facilitate your review process?
Many thanks and kind regards
De: Anja GENGO [AGENGO(a)unog.ch] em nome de IGF [IGF(a)unog.ch]
Enviado: terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015 9:12
Para: Luca Belli
Cc: cmasango(a)unog.ch; dc3(a)listas.altermundi.net; Anja GENGO; Eleonora Anna MAZZUCCHI
Assunto: Re: Request for establishment of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3)
Dear Luca,
Thank you very much for sending us your proposal.
We will review it and inform you on the outcome.
Best regards,
IGF Secretariat
From: Luca Belli <luca.belli(a)fgv.br>
To: "igf(a)unog.ch" <igf(a)unog.ch>, "cmasango(a)unog.ch" <cmasango(a)unog.ch>,
Cc: "dc3(a)listas.altermundi.net" <dc3(a)listas.altermundi.net>
Date: 23/11/2015 16:18
Subject: Request for establishment of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3)
Dear Chengetai, Dear Secretariat,
This email is to formally request the establishment of the Dynamic Coalition on Community Conncetivity (DC3).
Please, find both in attachment and below the elements necessary for the creation of the DC3.
A dedicated website will be set up as soon as possible.
Please, let me know if you need any further information.
Kind regards,
Request for establishment of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3)
The necessity of creating the DC3
The need for a Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) emerged during the IGF workshop 223 "Community Networks: a Revolutionary Paradigm", held in João Pessoa, during the 10th IGF. Workshop participants agreed on the potential of community networks in order to promote sustainable Internet connectivity and foster the full enjoyment of fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and self-determination. To this extent participants stressed the need to move forward the discussion on community networks and further analyse how such networks may be used to foster sustainable Internet connectivity while empowering Internet users.
During the workshop, consensus emerged with regard to the need for international cooperation aimed at fostering synergy and coordination amongst different community networks. Such cooperation may be particularly useful in order to identify:
• best practices for the development and maintenance of community networks;
• sustainable organisational and financial models for community networks;
• efficient software and hardware technology.
To address the aforementioned issues while fostering cooperation, many participants expressed interest with regard to the establishment of a new IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity.
Action Plan
The Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) emerged as an outcome of the IGF workshop 223 "Community Networks: a Revolutionary Paradigm", held in João Pessoa, during the 10th IGF.
The DC3 has been created in order to foster multistakeholder analysis of the various types and models of community networks, with the aim of identifying and promoting best practices and sustainable approaches to Internet connectivity in the context of communities.
The DC3 participants will foster joint efforts aimed at:
* • Making Community Networks (CN) visible to policy makers so they can be properly considered as an actor in the telecommunications ecosystem.
* • Identifying good open-access resources that may be useful to communicate to non-techies what CN are and how they work;
* • Mapping existing CN and try to foster communication amongst them, promoting strategies to achieve common goals;
* • Identifying models of CN (e.g. rural CN, urban CN, etc.) and best practices that can make them particularly efficient and resilient both from a technical and organizational perspective;
* • Identifying best practices and worst practices as regards national and international policies that facilitate or hinder the deployment of community networks.
* • Consolidating and publishing these ideas into some ‘Community Network Guidelines/Best practices’ to be presented at the next IGF and divulgated on the future DC3 website.
* • Supporting CN gatherings and hands-on work meetings at a regional and global level.
* • Addressing common technology development needs, from identifying technological bottlenecks to helping find the resources needed to solve them in a manner that will be beneficial to the sector as a whole.
* • Develop a framework for easy access to promote the deployment of CN in remote areas
Technical Community
Bob Frankston, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society
Frédéric Donck, ISOC
Civil Society
Nicolás Echániz, Altermundi
Ritu Srivastava, Digital Empowerment Foundation
Kevin Bankston, New America Foundation
Raoul Plommer, Electronic Frontier Finland
Leandro Navarro, UPC, community-lab.net and guifi.net
Mike Jensen, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Parminder Jeet Singh, IT4Change
Janara Sousa, Universidade de Brasília
Catherine Middleton, Ryerson University
Diego Vicentin, UNICAMP
Nathalia Foditsch, American University
Luca Belli, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Jamila Venturini, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Henrique Mohr, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Private Sector
Edliano Valeriano Azevedo da Silva, Systems Analyst
Maureen Hernandez, Systems Engineer
Intergovernmental Organisations
Lee Hibbard, Council of Europe
Mailing list
Contact Person
Luca Belli luca.belli(a)fgv.br<mailto:luca.belli@fgv.br>
DC3 Co-coordinators
Luca Belli, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Nicolás Echániz, Altermundi
Parminder Jeet Singh, IT4Change
Ritu Srivastava, Digital Empowerment Foundation
[attachment "Request for DC3.pdf" deleted by Anja GENGO/UNOG/GVA/UNO]
Dear all,
As some of you may know, until Friday it will be possible to submit session proposals for RightsCon Silicon Valley.
Is anyone on the list interested in submitting a session on community connectivity?
FYI RightsCon is a conference debating Internet and huma rights, organised by the NGO Access and will be held in San Francisco, on 30 March and 1 April 2016. I participated to RighsCon 2014 and 2015 and I can frankly say that it is an excellent occasion to meet smart people with good ideas and find partners for new projects.
Funding opportunities may also be availble (particularly for evelopping countires).
Feel free to modify the draft proposal and to add your name to the speakers list, if you are interested https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/RightsCon_Session_Proposal
All the best
PROPOSAL for a RightsCon Session
Do It Yourself! Can the Next Billion Build Its Own Internet Connectivity?
All individuals have the potential to create community networks in a collaborative mode, fostering digital inclusion and digital literacy as well as empowering users and local communities alike.
To date, community networks have been successfully deployed in several countries going from India to Latin America, passing through Europe. This session will analyse the main regulatory, economic, social, and organisational aspects of the community connectivity debate, from different stakeholders’ perspectives. Participants will discuss concrete cases of community networks around the world, trying to find out how to overcome common difficulties, and identifying best practices that facilitate the deployment of community networks as well as worst practices that can hinder their expansion. Particularly, such exercise will consider both technical solutions and (inter)national policies that can play an instrumental role in fostering Internet connectivity in a sustainable and democratic fashion.
So far, the deployment and diffusion community connectivity has relied on the relentless efforts of ingenious and expert engineers. But what if every individual had the possibility of creating its ‘own’ connectivity?
The case studies discussed during the session, as well as the best/worst practices, will be compiled and published on the website of the newly created IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3), with the aim of developing ‘Community Network Guidelines’. The Guidelines will aim at making the deployment of community connectivity easily understandable and implementable to any interested individual. The outcomes of the RightsCon session will be published on the DC3 website and, subsequently, will be presented at the IGF 2016.
Hi all,
It seems that I missed Ritu’s and Parminder’s emails. My apologies.
So, we now have 4 co-coordinators including Nico, myself, Ritu and Parminder. This is excellent, as we also diversify georgapgically.
Also, Parminder raised the issue of the name of the DC. So far, the proposal was DC on Connected Communities but Parminder proposes DC on Community Broadband.
My preference would be to keep the original proposal precisely because it is more comprehensive. Broadband is an option of connectivity (broad bandwidth) and the very definition of what may be considered as ‘broad’ is not universal. It rather depends on national standards. Also, I think that DC on Connected Communities has the merit on focusing on people and stressing the importance/role of communities.
What do others think?
All the best
De: parminder [parminder.js(a)gmail.com]
Enviado: quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2015 15:13
Para: Luca Belli
Assunto: Fwd: Re: Future IGF Dynamic Coalition on Connected Communities
It seems you did not receive this expression of interest and a few questions.... So resending from gmail id... parminder
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Future IGF Dynamic Coalition on Connected Communities
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:15:39 +0530
From: parminder <parminder(a)itforchange.net><mailto:parminder@itforchange.net>
To: Luca Belli <luca.belli(a)fgv.br><mailto:luca.belli@fgv.br>, dc3(a)listas.altermundi.net<mailto:dc3@listas.altermundi.net> <dc3(a)listas.altermundi.net><mailto:dc3@listas.altermundi.net>, bob19-0501(a)bobf.frankston.com<mailto:bob19-0501@bobf.frankston.com> <bob19-0501(a)bobf.frankston.com><mailto:bob19-0501@bobf.frankston.com>, lee.hibbard(a)coe.int<mailto:lee.hibbard@coe.int> <lee.hibbard(a)coe.int><mailto:lee.hibbard@coe.int>, Jamila Rodrigues Venturini <jamila.venturini(a)fgv.br><mailto:jamila.venturini@fgv.br>, ritu.sri(a)defindia.net<mailto:ritu.sri@defindia.net> <ritu.sri(a)defindia.net><mailto:ritu.sri@defindia.net>, otavio.vinhas(a)gmail.com<mailto:otavio.vinhas@gmail.com> <otavio.vinhas(a)gmail.com><mailto:otavio.vinhas@gmail.com>, catherine.middleton(a)ryerson.ca<mailto:catherine.middleton@ryerson.ca> <catherine.middleton(a)ryerson.ca><mailto:catherine.middleton@ryerson.ca>, janara.sousa(a)gmail.com<mailto:janara.sousa@gmail.com> <janara.sousa(a)gmail.com><mailto:janara.sousa@gmail.com>, edliano(a)hotmail.com<mailto:edliano@hotmail.com> <edliano(a)hotmail.com><mailto:edliano@hotmail.com>, plommer(a)gmail.com<mailto:plommer@gmail.com> <plommer(a)gmail.com><mailto:plommer@gmail.com>, donck(a)isoc.org<mailto:donck@isoc.org> <donck(a)isoc.org><mailto:donck@isoc.org>, vicentin(a)riseup.net<mailto:vicentin@riseup.net> <vicentin(a)riseup.net><mailto:vicentin@riseup.net>, yzdrrr(a)riseup.net<mailto:yzdrrr@riseup.net> <yzdrrr(a)riseup.net><mailto:yzdrrr@riseup.net>, bankston(a)newamerica.org<mailto:bankston@newamerica.org> <bankston(a)newamerica.org><mailto:bankston@newamerica.org>, foditsch(a)gmail.com<mailto:foditsch@gmail.com> <foditsch(a)gmail.com><mailto:foditsch@gmail.com>
CC: nicoechaniz(a)altermundi.net<mailto:nicoechaniz@altermundi.net> <nicoechaniz(a)altermundi.net><mailto:nicoechaniz@altermundi.net>
I am happy to work with you on this, including if required with co-coordination.... In fact as a part of our current work on community braodband in India we have been proposing a coalition on community broadband and developing countries.... But this could be that space.
Is there scope for discussing the name of proposed DC... I find connected communities a bit vague, and I think community broadband is rather more to the point. Connected communities connotes a much larger scop area, the kind of work for instance that we do in community informatics, and I am not sure we want the DC to spread itself that thin. In doing so it will lose focus form what independently is a very distinct and extremely important area of practise and policy right now.
Other issue also is the role of private sector in this DC, hich unfortunately in the IGF space means big business and who are of course not at all well inclined to the very idea of community ownership of networks. In my conceptions of such ownership there is scope for private businesses working at the local level for actual implementations, although not necessarily. It depends on what model of community ownership different communities chose. But then in any case that private sector is never going to be able to reach the IGF spaces...
Look forward to hear yours and other people's comments on this.
On Tuesday 17 November 2015 02:08 AM, Luca Belli wrote:
Dear all,
I hope you had nice trips back home after the IGF. (apologies for the long email)
This is the first email to organise the future work of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Connected Communities.
First of all a couple of words on what are IGF Dynamic Coalitions (DCs).
Along workshops, DCs represent the structural elements of the IGF: they are self-organised, issue-specific groups comprising members of various stakeholder groups.
The requirements for formulating a Dynamic Coalition:
• An Action Plan
• A mailing list
• The contact person
• Representatives from at least three stakeholder groups (i.e. Civil society; Private sector; Technical community; Academic community; Governments; Intergovernmental organisations)
• Setting up a webpage or a blog is highly recommended.
After the IGF workshop on Community Networks, you expressed your interest for the initiative. This email is to start discussing together how to shape our action plan.
I have prepared this pad, so that everyone can make suggestions on what points should we focus on https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/dc_on_connected_communitieshttps://pu…
Our goals could be the following (please do not hesitate to modify using the pad):
* Identify good open-access readings that may be useful to communicate to non-techies what CN are and how do they work;
* Mapping existing CN and try to foster communication amongst them;
* Identify models of CN (e.g. rural CN, urban CN, etc.) and best practices that can make them particularly efficient and resilient both from a technical and organisational perspective;
* Identify best practices and worst practices as regards national policies that facilitate or hinder the deployment of community networks.
* Consolidate and publish all this ideas into some ‘Community Network Guidelines/Best practices’ to be presented at the next IGF and divulgated on the future DC3 website.
Thanks to Nicolas, we already have a mailing-list! (many thanks Nicolas!!!)
Besides English, I think it would be fair to allow people to communicate in Spanish or Portuguese in order to be as inclusive as possible. What do you think?
The following persons expressed their interest in the DC3 (feel free to state to which IGF stakeholder group you would like to be associated):
• Bob Frankston
• Nicolás Echániz
• Ritu Srivastava
• Janara Sousa
• Otavio Vinhas
• Catherine Middleton
• plommer(a)gmail.com<mailto:plommer@gmail.com> please state your name :)
• edliano(a)hotmail.com<mailto:edliano@hotmail.com> please state your name :)
• Lee Hibbard
• Frédéric Donck
• Diego Vicentin
• Nathalia Foditsch
• yzdrrr(a)riseup.net<mailto:yzdrrr@riseup.net> also please state your name :)
• Luca Belli
• Jamila Venturini
• Kevin Bankston
I would be honoured to act as contact person/coordinator and I would love if anyone else wanted to share this task with me as co-coordinator(s).
Just to provide some info regarding myself, I have been participating to the IGF over the past 5 years, I have worked for the IGF Secretariat and I have funded/coordinated two DCs (DC on Net Neutrality and on Platform Responsibility). I was previously working for the Council of Europe Internet Governance Unit and I am now researcher at Center for Technology and Society at FGV, Rio de Janeiro. My work is to produce research advising policy people on how to take sustainable decisions.
I look forward to hearing from you and feel free to share this email.
All the best,
Dear Chengetai, Dear Secretariat,
This email is to formally request the establishment of the Dynamic Coalition on Community Conncetivity (DC3).
Please, find both in attachment and below the elements necessary for the creation of the DC3.
A dedicated website will be set up as soon as possible.
Please, let me know if you need any further information.
Kind regards,
Request for establishment of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3)
The necessity of creating the DC3
The need for a Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) emerged during the IGF workshop 223 "Community Networks: a Revolutionary Paradigm", held in João Pessoa, during the 10th IGF. Workshop participants agreed on the potential of community networks in order to promote sustainable Internet connectivity and foster the full enjoyment of fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and self-determination. To this extent participants stressed the need to move forward the discussion on community networks and further analyse how such networks may be used to foster sustainable Internet connectivity while empowering Internet users.
During the workshop, consensus emerged with regard to the need for international cooperation aimed at fostering synergy and coordination amongst different community networks. Such cooperation may be particularly useful in order to identify:
• best practices for the development and maintenance of community networks;
• sustainable organisational and financial models for community networks;
• efficient software and hardware technology.
To address the aforementioned issues while fostering cooperation, many participants expressed interest with regard to the establishment of a new IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity.
Action Plan
The Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) emerged as an outcome of the IGF workshop 223 "Community Networks: a Revolutionary Paradigm", held in João Pessoa, during the 10th IGF.
The DC3 has been created in order to foster multistakeholder analysis of the various types and models of community networks, with the aim of identifying and promoting best practices and sustainable approaches to Internet connectivity in the context of communities.
The DC3 participants will foster joint efforts aimed at:
* • Making Community Networks (CN) visible to policy makers so they can be properly considered as an actor in the telecommunications ecosystem.
* • Identifying good open-access resources that may be useful to communicate to non-techies what CN are and how they work;
* • Mapping existing CN and try to foster communication amongst them, promoting strategies to achieve common goals;
* • Identifying models of CN (e.g. rural CN, urban CN, etc.) and best practices that can make them particularly efficient and resilient both from a technical and organizational perspective;
* • Identifying best practices and worst practices as regards national and international policies that facilitate or hinder the deployment of community networks.
* • Consolidating and publishing these ideas into some ‘Community Network Guidelines/Best practices’ to be presented at the next IGF and divulgated on the future DC3 website.
* • Supporting CN gatherings and hands-on work meetings at a regional and global level.
* • Addressing common technology development needs, from identifying technological bottlenecks to helping find the resources needed to solve them in a manner that will be beneficial to the sector as a whole.
* • Develop a framework for easy access to promote the deployment of CN in remote areas
Technical Community
Bob Frankston, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society
Frédéric Donck, ISOC
Civil Society
Nicolás Echániz, Altermundi
Ritu Srivastava, Digital Empowerment Foundation
Kevin Bankston, New America Foundation
Raoul Plommer, Electronic Frontier Finland
Leandro Navarro, UPC, community-lab.net and guifi.net
Mike Jensen, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Parminder Jeet Singh, IT4Change
Janara Sousa, Universidade de Brasília
Catherine Middleton, Ryerson University
Diego Vicentin, UNICAMP
Nathalia Foditsch, American University
Luca Belli, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Jamila Venturini, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Henrique Mohr, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Private Sector
Edliano Valeriano Azevedo da Silva, Systems Analyst
Maureen Hernandez, Systems Engineer
Intergovernmental Organisations
Lee Hibbard, Council of Europe
Mailing list
Contact Person
Luca Belli luca.belli(a)fgv.br<mailto:luca.belli@fgv.br>
DC3 Co-coordinators
Luca Belli, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Nicolás Echániz, Altermundi
Parminder Jeet Singh, IT4Change
Ritu Srivastava, Digital Empowerment Foundation
Hi all,
First of all welcome to this list that we are hosting in support of Luca
Belli's initiative to create this Dynamic Coalition on Connected
Communities (DC3), in the context of the IGF.
He has also created a pad so we can work together on a short document to
describe what this Coalition will be about:
Please review it and feel free to edit there, add your own ideas and
comment in this list.
I think it could be interesting to add a paragraph or short list of
specific subjects we are interested in exploring further, like spectrum,
community licences, organizational and business models, technologies
involved, etc.
Welcome, and let's make this work!