Dear Luca
At the first go, i like this idea of having "call for papers" and
collaborate more about community networks. I would like to add more points
- technological challenges; political & policy hurdles for the outreach of
CN networks
On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 1:45 AM, Luca Belli <luca.belli(a)> wrote:
Coalition on Community Connectivity
With warm regards,
*Ritu Srivastava*
Senior Programme Manager
Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)
44, III Floor, Kalu Sarai, New Delhi-110016, India
*Contact Details:*
O: 011-26532786 / 26532787
M: +91-9999369624
Email Id: ritu(a)
The “Internet Rights” is an initiative through which DEF is consistently
making an effort to make Internet as a medium to reach the masses, to
create even opportunities and linkages between haves and have-nots so that
the grassroots knowledge reaches the economic prosperity and vice-versa
through information communication technology and digital media.
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