Dear Nico
Seems like this is fine!
Thanks and Regards
Jaspreet Singh
With Regards
Jaspreet Singh
Sr. Project Engineer
IIT Bombay
+91 98963 89883
On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 3:13 PM, Nicolás Echániz <nicoechaniz(a)>
Hi all,
There are already 78 people who have joined the CNSIG through ISOC's
forms. About 50 of those people have never made contact and we don't
even know if they are part of a community network or just looking to
learn a bit about what the CNSIG is up to.
We do not contemplate a space for such participation, so they are just
piling up in the database for now... I thought maybe we can create
another mailing list just to stay in touch with them.
I want to ask what you think is a reasonable name for that list.
I thought to just call it: discussion(a)
I also want to know if you wish to be subscribed to that list. In case
you do wish, let me know.
Council mailing list