On 19.02.20 12:47, Adam Burns wrote:
Not sure what timezones everyone lies in, but can we agree for a call
in the coming 7 days?
Is there is an existing mumble server that is used for conference calls?
We had set a provisional regular meeting for the third Wednesday of
every month (today :-)) at 15:00 UTC.
So, perhaps next Wednesday at this time could work? (just trying to help
with the coordination)
And here is the information for the mumble server and more as sent by Nico:
If you need to check UTC time:
As usual, we will be using Mumble[1].
Use this information to configure it[2] if you still haven't done so:
Tag/label: Aureasocial
Port: 64738
User name: <choose your own one>
Password: <no need to set one>
Please configure "push to talk" method[3]
You can use the Desktop client or the mobile app Plumble to access
Mumble [4].
Please consider these suggestions for the meeting:
* If you are new to mumble, try it before the meeting. Get in touch if
you have any problem. We will also be available 15' before the scheduled
time to deal with technical issues.
* Be online at least 5' before the scheduled time so we can start on time.
* Have a computer available so you can follow and contribute to the
collaborative notes.
* Have earphones to avoid audio loops.
We will take notes on this pad: