On 05/06/2018 11:04 PM, novaes(a)riseup.net wrote:
I have been reading our list and would like to
with the proposal made by NicoE to organize a CNSIG meeting in
There are two important events taking place in August and September
in Buenos Aires:
Reunión Preparatoria para el Foro de Gobernanza de Internet
from July 31st to August 2nd
The 5th Annual Latin America Spectrum Management Conference
5-6 September
I think we should try to meet as soon as possible, and these two
events could be a good opportunity for us to be together. Maybe
between these two periods, during north hemisphere's summer, and
again in 9 months! (Nico's proposal).
I commented these options with Christian O'Flaherty (ISOC-Americas) and
he believes it is a good idea to "piggyback" on one of these events for
a regional Community Networks meeting.
He was actually more curious about the Spectrum Management Conference
which he hadn't heard of.
Regarding the global meeting, we can do that during 2019.