Please keep users(a) in CC
On Friday, January 23, 2015 05:30:02 PM 3zl Trizonelabs wrote:
> Naturally we do struggle with the lime configuration, as we could not
> find any valuable informations.
> To get some locals to work with the system we have to prepare a
> conciese howto for build, deploy & operate the nodes in hard- and
> software.
In the source there is some documentation about options…
> At the moment we spend some hours sifting though the source with
> OpenGrok ( ) and prepare a
> documentation structure with MindjetManager and export the HTML to a
> website where you could follow the outcome of our documentation
> effords
Can you share the URL ?
Hello @all,
we are trying to build a community in greece in the area of Korinth gulf
With this we have to decide which system to use.
As we do have experience with batman-adv on about 20 nodes, we are
analysing libre-mesh system and gather as much informations &
documentation as possible.
We also had a deeper look at some Freifunk systems.
At this moment we do lack setup & technical documentation of the
libre-mesh and asking for advice where to find.
thank you for your cooperation
Hi all!
On 12/17/2014 01:54 PM, Ilario wrote:
> Secondo me prima di creare una lime-users su ml.ninux dovremmo provar
> ad usare in italiano la lime-users su, secondo me
> la possiamo usare in italiano pure.
Small summary in english: I was wondering about an italian language
mailing list for LiMe users, so Ilario told me we could write in italian
on this list. So here we are!
Spero che agli originali partecipanti alla discussione non dispiaccia
questo repentino spostamento in ml, ma nel caso manifestate dissenso :)
Venendo al sodo, con BornAgain abbiamo meshato 2+1 nodi (2 cloud L2):
* per uscire su internet, abbiamo messo la default statica sul nodo lime
connesso via cavo al router adsl (su cui abbiamo dovuto mettere
indirizzo e rotte statiche e disablitare dhcp).
E' implementato un modo piu automatico per aggiungere un gateway internet?
* mi pare che fossero sorti altri dubbi, ma ora non ricordo.
Hola Gui y estimados participantes de la lista
He empezado a hacer pruebas con libremesh, de momento he generado algunas imagenes para x86 y testeado brevemente una en un tplink 3020. Me surge la siguiente duda: ¿Es libremesh un sustituto de Altermesh ?, ¿que características tiene que lo diferencien de altermesh?
un saludo a todos