On 19/11/16 01:03, Leonardo Taborda wrote:
Hello lime guys
As i explained on another email, each time I set up librenet6 access in
libremesh, I get this ip on anygw interface: 2a00:1508:a94:9400::1
The problem is when i flash and configure librenet6 in the second and
third routers, they get exactly the same ipv6 i stated before. This
means, if i plug one of those routers in another place to internet
access, there won't be any ipv6 because that ipv6 is already in use, as
it happened in a test i just did.
I appreciate any help on this issue, or maybe some exaplanations on how
to handle this IPV6 addressing. I know there are some improvements
awaiting to be done on the firmware.
Sorry, there's still no autodetection in place for ipv6 internet access,
so you need to manually issue this command at the gateway (where you set
up the LibreNet6 endpoint)
bmx6 -c tunIn INinet6 /n ::/0
uci commit
this will make bmx6 announce itself as ipv6 gateway, and the rest of the
cloud will route through it.
The anygw ip, as I said many times, has nothing to do with it. It's a
"red herring" :)
(It is not, as you said, that there "won't be any ipv6 internet access
because that ipv6 is already in use" but rather because the second and
third routers are not aware that the first router is an ipv6 gateway.)