As some of you have already noticed, there is a new web page hosted
under the domains
libre-mesh.org and
libremesh.org. It has been quickly
created because of the `old` server crash.
The cool thing is that the whole web is stored into a Git repository
named lime-web [1]. So anyone with commit rights can add/modify content
just editing the plain text files of the git repository. Also
push-requests are accepted.
It uses asciidoc [2] for parsing the source files and generate a bunch
of static HTML files (what you see in the web site). There is a helper
script (generate.sh) which executes the proper commands to do such task
(the only required packet is "asciidoc", which is present in most of the
linux distribution repositories).
There is a crontab task in the server which pull the git repository
every 20 minutes and execute the helper script. So if someone makes some
change in the git repository it will be applied at most after 20 minutes.
In addition there is a special directory named "doc" which will contain
the technical documentation, for instance there might be an article
explaining how the uci lime config file work or another talking about
setting up the proper wifi parameters.
We make a CALL for everyone who would like to contribute with the web
page to do it. You don't need access to the server, just download and
modify the git repository. Any kind of help is welcome:
- New content
- Text corrections
- Technical documentation
- CSS styles