Marvin Arnold <marvin(a)>im>:
FYI, we'll be meeting for the last time tomorrow
(Wed) night before
breaking for a few weeks. Would be cool to get some more direction.
is the meeting on irc? i will try to be there
Most important is that we're still not clear how
to get internet access
on the mesh. We don't have ethernet internet access where we are
but internet is available over wifi.
liMe shares internet connection when you use the auto-gw modules (i.e. bmx6-auto-gw-mode,
you should also manually configure your liMe box to connect to your wifi internet, using
'wan' as the uci interface name
or you can use a non-liMe box which connects to the internet wifi and bridges it to the
ethernet, then you connect ethernet to the liMe wan eth port.
if you go this way, you should add the lime-hwd-openwrt-wan module.