Serval has a different approach... there might be integrations... but
don't have access for devices for that.
Do you know anyone that has access and willingness to explore it?
On Tue, 2017-11-14 at 07:53 +0200, Mark Birss wrote:
Hi Patricio
Thank you for sharing, It is certainly a good number of questions. I
look forward to further discussion.
Here however in South Africa using UHF bands over longer distances
are not an option (900Mhz not available for unlicensed use, only 2.4
and 5.8 Ghz ISM bands)
- Mark
On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 2:47 AM, Patricio Gibbs <patricio@altermundi.
net> wrote:
Friends asked me today about the interoperability
of the
LibreRouter and LibreMesh firmware with the Serval Project's Mesh
Extender and ServalDNA firmware. Serval is particularly focused on
disaster response, and has some prototypes with solar panels. What
do you think? What fun and/or useful cross-pollination could happen
between the projects?
Relevant links:
ServalDNA software, the core of an Android app and router firmware:
OpenWRT derivative by Serval:
Hardware spec comparison:
Serval Mesh Extender prototypes in action:
~ Pato
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