Hi all!
Seems that [1] we want to deprecate the use of Tip4commit [2] for
receiving donations.
So we need to re-discuss the way for receiving donations and how to
use them (in tip4commit it was straightforward, 1% of the donations
was delivered for each commit to the committer).
I would suggest to not restrict donations to bitcoin, as it was in tip4commit.
Ideas on how to receive them? Platforms?
Clearly the platform for collecting donations could restrict their use
(e.g. Bountysource [3] gives donations to issues solvers).
How we could use donations?
A few ideas:
* not defined, each time someone needs funds asks and the community decides
* helping developers to survive, dedicate more time to LiMe and
dignify their volunteer work (this is what tip4commit did)
* encourage non developers to get into the code, implement stuff,
debug and write documentation (e.g. I suppose Bountysource would have
this effect)
* contributing to server maintaining costs (up to now we use them as
freeloaders, hosting communities (qMp and Altermundi I think) let us
use their servers for free)
* produce loads of stickers and super cool LiMe t-shirts...
* organize internationals LiMe hackatons and pay travelling (up to now
LiMeCat meetings were zero budget events)
* pay travelling and food for developers attending BattleMesh or other
related events
* buy routers to test support (Pau and Daniel have some)
* build a small real network for continuous testing of develop branch
(it would be great to have an university collaborating on this)
the donation fund present in tip4commit will continue working until emptiness