El 21 de mayo de 2019 9:37:21 a. m. GMT-05:00, Ilario <iochesonome(a)gmail.com>
Additionally, we can use the default domain
".thisnode.info" (owned by
Altermundi) so that "cecilia.lan" would become
Clearly this would work just locally, as on the internet
"cecilia.thisnode.info" does not exist, but Chrome will accept it as
This sounds like the easiest solution.
Maybe someday we can get other domains that would make more linguistic sense, such as
And maybe this can be a config in LibreMesh in the First Boot Wizard, to choose the local
admin address, since Spanish-language networks might want este.red or minodo.info, for
Il giorno mar 21 mag 2019 alle ore 16:25 Ilario
<iochesonome(a)gmail.com> ha scritto:
This sounds like a very annoying problem.
Does anyone have a list of the TLDs accepted by Chrome?
We could stop using .lan and start using some accepted but abandoned
TLDs, like (just based on a quick search, no idea if Chrome still
accepts them):
.bv .sj .iq .um .su .gb .gu .kp
Il giorno mar 21 mag 2019 alle ore 09:35 Gio <gio(a)diveni.re> ha
> It doesn't seems a libremesh specific problem, most probably chrome
> domains by TLD and won't accept .lan
domain name (I wonder which
crazy google
> "security" policy cause this...),
if you specify an FQDN for your
network in
> libremesh configuration then your domain
name will looks like
nodename.example.com and this might workaround the problem in
> Cheers!
> Gio
> On Tuesday, 21 May 2019 02:06:09 CEST Patricio Gibbs via lime-users
> > In our network, when I'm at
Maria's node and I want to administer
> > Cecilia's node, I can type cecilia.lan into Firefox and it works
> > It doesn't work in
> >
> > LiMe 17.06 Dayboot Rely (17.06 rev. ac18095 20180512_2043) / LuCI
> > lede-17.01 branch (git-18.098.72829-575e327)
> > kernel 4.4.92
> >
> > If this is fixed in newer versions, great. If not, how could we
fix it?