On 08/01/2016 12:49 PM, Ilario wrote:
I contacted a few devs and seems that this weekend
(6-7 of august) is a
good date for a face to face meeting.
We have the availability of Matakrostes as venue
Seems that the venue changed, it will be:
CSA La Talaia, Passeig Mas Roig 52-54/ Rambla Jacint Verdaguer 215,
Valldoreix (Sant Cugat Del Vallés), Barcelona.
You can reach Valldoreix with FGC and from there taking a bus for Plaça
del mas Roig.
See you :)
PS if you planned to make some testing with Libre-Mesh or you want to
report a bug, this weekend is the best time for doing this!