I noticed that the subdomain dev.libre-mesh.org runs with a self-signed
certificate, which is annoying because casual people browsing (and
security paranoid) won't accept to add an exception in order to read
more and will leave...
A free browser-accepted certificate can be obtained from StartSSL [1]
(for that specific domain, wildcards and extended verification certs are
not for free of course, but we there is no need for them).
[1] https://www.startssl.com/
The file /etc/config/lime seems to follow the same reasoning behind many
other projects' default config, that is some commented lines that show
how the conf should look like in the most frequent scenarios.
In lime (branch:release/14.08) the comments are very self-explanatory
but the example is for configuring radio1 and radio2 while 99% of the
devices have radio0 and at most radio1...
I think that should be changed because for a noob user like me it is
misleading to show examples for radio1 and 2, while the radios are
numbered from 0.
What do you think about it?
It seems to me that the actual generate_host(...) function doesn't permit to
de user to specify completely it's address on /etc/config/lime, what i see is
that if the user specify as example as his ip address the last
nibble get overridden by generate_host(...) function, is this the expected
behavior? If so i would change that giving the user the possibility to specify
completely it's ip address
Hi all!
I remember that guifi.net assigned to libre-mesh an IPv6 subnet bigger then the
one we have for librenet6 so we can do the mapping of assigend ipv4 -> ipv6 i
remember also a wikipage explaining the mechanism, someone remember more
details ?
I noticed about strange behaviors in the last binaries compiled for
14.08 branch. The packets to Internet were duplicated and things were
weird in general.
I found the problem, since the ebtables rules for preventing the anycast
IP propagation were put to the user.firewall directory, if the firewall
is not installed they are not executed. So, we have two solutions to
this problem:
1. Add the firewall as dependency for LiMe
2. Execute these rules (and others which may be needed) separately by
some lime process.
What do you think?