On Friday 22 April 2016 01:34:50 Ilario Gelmetti wrote:
> Oi, come va?
> Quando con Gui abbiamo provato il lime develop ci siam resi conto che le
> interfaccie wifi non erano configurate e che quando si lanciava il
> lime-config dava un errore su un campo specific che stavi cercando di
> aggiungere ad una stringa.
> Ciao!
> Ilario
Should be solved by this commit
Fresh images for tl-wdrXXXX are being compiled right now and will be available
Check the build date to be after 7:26 PM of today
I don't have routers under my hands to test it myself right now so feedback is
very welcome!
Hi all!
Sorry for the delay (and for cross-posting) but finding out when the
devs are available was quite tricky.
So, the meeting will be this weekend, from Saturday 16th afternoon to
Sunday 17th morning (but likely there will be something going on also
on Friday evening).
The location is still not well defined, what I know is that it will be
somewhere in Valldoreix (Bcn).
Stay tuned.
Hi devs!
If you're not subscribed to LiMe-users list maybe you missed a
discussion [1] about having a small meeting of the Libre-Mesh
community in April somewhere in Catalunya.
This is thought as a warm up before the BattleMesh v9 and
developing/testing/debugging session for Libre-Mesh :)
Please join the discussion on LiMe-users list!
[1] "Catalan Libre-Mesh Meeting" in