I've add libre-mesh packages repository to tip4commit.
Maybe we might put the link (or any other thing available in the project
page) to the main web page. So people can make donations using BitCoin.
Hi all!
I was trying to use a Ubiquiti NanoStation M5 with firmware stock
(AirOS) as a client for a Ubiquiti NSM5 running Libre-Mesh, but when I
do a site survey on AirOS I notice strange things:
if the country code is Italy no LiMe network is displayed [1];
if the country code is Uzbekistan I can see the LiMe network [2].
I put the LiMe network on a channel (40, 5.2GHz) allowed in Italy, so it
should be visible (if you notice, in [1] you can see that 5.2GHz is in
the list of frequencies scanned by AirOS). For reference I added another
NSM5 running OpenWrt in ap mode.
Do you have any idea of why this happens?
[1] https://imgur.com/S8etw0y,snjFc9w#0
[2] https://imgur.com/S8etw0y,snjFc9w#1
Ilario Gelmetti
Hey people, some Libre-mesh presence on this events? I think if Libre-mesh wants to be "The Meta-Firmware for Community Mesh Networks" has the obligation to be there:
* Wireless Battle of the Mesh v7 in Leipzig (Germany) - May 12-18 http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV7
* Salut, Amor i Xarxa (SAX) in Morella (Països Catalans) - June 7-8 https://sites.google.com/site/sax2014morella/home (yeah, incredible: in google sites!)
* Backbone 409 in Calafou (Països Catalans) - June 14-15 http://backbone409.calafou.org/