Yesterday I flashed a router with the MAC like xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:00 which
resulted in a 10.13.y.0/16 IPv4 (where y is different from 0, in this
/16 network the network identifier is
It looks strange, ending with zero, but is valid right?
Thanks and sorry for the n00b question,
As my friend -in the cc field- is not in the developers mailing
list, please do not just reply to the list, please remember to cc him
in the case you want to reply through the list.
I am going to tell you about an event in Spanish with Spanish-speaking
people, so let me please change to Spanish... Apologies to non-Spanish
Hace dos semanas hicimos una pequeña presentación del proyecto de red en
malla en el barrio. Allí hablamos de Libremesh y a un amigo -en copia-
le moló el asunto. Me comentó la posibilidad de que LibreMesh estuviera
de alguna forma en la expo colectiva Rehogar [1] de Makea [2]. Él es
parte de Makea. Yo le comenté que conocía a algunes de les
desarrolladoreas de Libremesh y me ofrecí a poneros en contacto, por si
surgía la posibilidad de hacer un taller, una presentación o lo que sea...
Lo consultó con más gente de Makea [3] y le contestaron positivamente, o
sea que se podría hacer algo con LibreMesh allí.
Así es que creo que yo ya he cumplido mi misión de poneros en contacto.
Si queréis continuar la comunicación mediante esta lista, acordaos de
ponerle en copia en las contestaciones, ya que él no está sucrito a esta
[1] http://www.makeatuvida.net/?p=11723
[2] www.makeatuvida.net
[3] hola(a)makeatuvida.net
Most users expect to connect to for the first login, as
defaults in OpenWrt and LEDE.
This should be the default also for LibreMesh in my opinion.
Can be done setting the main_ipv4_address parameter in lime-defaults
[1] to instead of what we have now (10.%N1.0.0/16 where
%N1 depends on the chosen name of the AP interface and the last two
fields are chosen depending on the device mac address [2]).
Are there other ways?
Do you think that keeping the auto IPv4 assignment enabled by default
is worth the trouble?
[1] https://github.com/libremesh/lime-packages/blob/develop/packages/lime-syste…
[2] /16 seems good enough for avoiding collisions, checking the
birthday paradox [3] against a /16 range results that 300 hosts are
needed for having a 50 % probability of a collision. Neither the
possible collisions coming from the fallback mechanism for invalid
addresses [4] seem to be a problem.
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem
[4] https://github.com/libremesh/lime-packages/blob/develop/packages/lime-syste…