Hi all!
Yesterday I realized that emails that I sent to the list in the last years never reached the list. There was an issue with the mailman config and all the emails that had a DMARC config that did not allow other servers to send emails were dropped without notice. Most email/domains config worked fine but in case you sent an email and never had an answer check that the mail was in the list archives.
Now it is fixed, sorry everyone for the inconvenience.
A new LibreMesh version has been released!
Find the announcement here:
A question on this mailing list:
it has never been used for taking decisions on the project and is silent
since months, can we stop listing it on the website?
One month with no answer will be taken as no opposition to the removal.
If you're not already in, please subscribe to the lime-users mailing
list and join the Element(ex-Riot)/IRC chat, links on: