I think we should move now if we want to participate
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [GSoC Mentors Announce] Now Accepting Applications for Mentoring
Organizations for GSoC 2014
Date: Monday 03 February 2014, 11:01:15
From: Carol Smith <carols(a)google.com>
To: GSoC Mentors Announce <gsoc-mentors-announce(a)googlegroups.com>
Hi all,
We're pleased to announce that applications for mentoring organizations for
Google Summer of Code 2014 are now being accepted [1]. If you'd like to
apply to be a mentoring organization you can do so now via Melange [2]. If
you have questions about how to use Melange, please see our User's Guide
[3]. Please note that the application process has changed a bit from
previous years: to apply you must now create your individual profile and
then an organization profile before submitting your application.
Please note that the application period [4] closes on 14 February at 19:00
UTC [5]. *We will not accept any late applications for any reason.*
[1] -
[2] - http://www.google-melange.com
[3] - http://en.flossmanuals.net/melange/
[4] - http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2014
[5] - http://goo.gl/bYYgV3
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Hi all!
Some times ago I downloaded and compiled LiMe as suggested on your site:
git clone https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-build.git
cd lime-build
make T=ar71xx J=4
Now I would like to build an updated image, how should I update all the repositories (openwrt, libre-mesh, luci...)?
Is there something like a "make update" ?
Thanks 'n' bye,
Some thoughts about my experience with libremap.
1. Routers -> Cluster should be disabled by default IMO
2. Same for filter links, since it is quite common to have "not perfect"
links in a wifi community
3. Would be very useful to have more view levels. When there are some
routers close you cannot see the specific position. In the other hand,
Altermap allows to make quite more zoom, so this should be possible in OSM.
4. Would be nice to have a "LuCi" web plugin to manage the
/etc/config/libremap agent. Is there something developed? If not I can
do so.
5. I would like to create some specific plugins, for instance to send
bmx6 information to the server. I see how the plugins work in the node,
but I miss the web page part. Is there some "easy way" to add new
plugins in the web page?
some months ago in a sprint, we finally both sat down together with Nico
to fight with lua, and at some point stumbled upon this
This is a collection of Lua libraries for Lua 5.1 and 5.2. You can load
the standard set with
require "std"
then i found out about luarocks, which is analog to ruby gems and python
and from there, other interesting libraries
* https://github.com/kikito/inspect.lua
This function transform any Lua table into a human-readable
representation of that table.
The objective here is human understanding (i.e. for debugging), not
serialization or compactness.
(Dedicated to Nico, a python programmer horrified by lua being
unable to print(table))
* https://code.google.com/p/luno/
O projeto Luno tem o objetivo de prover API's para uso com a
linguagem de programação Lua que visem a facilitar a execução de tarefas
corriqueiras mas que não estão diretamente implementadas pela biblioteca
padrão do Lua.
Luno conta com os módulos luno.string, luno.table e luno.io. Esses
módulos provêem funções extras para manipular strings (trim, split,
join, charAt, ...), io (getTextFromFile, ...), tabelas (imprimir
tabelas, concatenar, ...). O módulo luno.util provê funções de uso geral
como cópia (deep copy) e impressão (deep print) de variáveis.
finally, i found the following blogpost enlightening, it's a thorough
summary of differences and unexpected things, very helpful for me,
dealing with lua for the first time
hope that helps someone,
Hello, I remember first times with Freifunk firmware (OpenWrt White Russian):
They put in main web page a link with a direct download of image that was working in same router. I suposse that it was generated from binaries when you click on.
I think is a very good tool to make network bigger with same routers (you don't need to connect to any place to get firmware). Do you know about that?
I think we can put it on libre-mesh (and also I need it now to make easy an exact copy from one of our libre-mesh routers here in Garraf).
I've added a news entry in the libre-mesh page to endorse the WBMv7:
Who is interested on going there? Do you have funding? Any idea about
where can we find funding to bring some of you there?
I've added the libre-map agent to Wibed [1] and now some nodes appear to
the libremap.net web interface (in Barcelona).
However the wireless plugin is not available, at least in the
libremap-agent I'm using [2]. I wonder if this plugin exists and if not
which are the plans to implement it. That would be a key point for
wibed! So let me know if I can do something.
[1] http://wiki.confine-project/wibed:start
[2] https://github.com/libremap/libremap-agent-openwrt
Seems an interesting device, maybe we could receive someone if we ask as
Libre-Mesh ?
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] is anybody working on supporting Linksys
WRT1900ac ?
Date: Thursday 16 January 2014, 10:37:12
From: Peter Lawler <openwrt-devel(a)bleeter.id.au>
To: openwrt-devel(a)lists.openwrt.org
On 16/01/14 10:06, Peter Lawler wrote:
> Oh, bad me for replying to myself... but from the press release page:
> http://www.linksys.com/en-us/press/releases/2014-01-06_Linksys_wrt_revoluti…
Even worse, replying to my own reply
Further down that page is commentary about OpenWRT, DDWRT etc.
It also mentions they're planning to release devboards to developers.
It also gives a name, email address and phone number for a contact about
the product.
I'm not in the same TZ as the contact, by ~15 hours. Maybe someone on
this list who is a little closer could call up and ask what's what ;)
openwrt-devel mailing list
Hi all!
I compiled libre-mesh encountering only a small problem: subversion is
needed but missing in the dependencies list.
I was planning to flash libre-mesh on Ubiquiti PicoStation and Ubiquiti
Can I safely flash using
and openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin or some
configuration is needed before compilation or after flashing?
Thanks and bye,
Ilario, Ninux Verona.
Ilario Gelmetti