2016-04-13 16:16 GMT+02:00 Ilario <iochesonome(a)gmail.com>om>:
Sorry for the delay (and for cross-posting)
Same apologizes, again.
So, the meeting will be this weekend, from Saturday
16th afternoon to
Sunday 17th morning (but likely there will be something going on also
on Friday evening).
Date confirmed.
The location is still not well defined, what I know is
that it will be
somewhere in Valldoreix (Bcn).
Still not perfectly defined, we have the availability of two venues,
both in Valldoreix (15 km from Barcelona city centre):
first (and more likely):
Matakrostes, Passeig de Sevilla 132, Valldoreix
second (as fallback):
CSO La Palmira, Passeig de RubĂ 34, Valldoreix
So, likely, see you in Matakrostes :)