I don't remember well if finally we got to have libre-mesh enough stable for
use/testing, or if we are still experiencing random strange problems, do we
have some news after hackmeeting ?
The other day I was in a talk about guifi in madrid, and also talked a little
about libre-mesh, the result is that people of guifi madrid are very interested
in using libre-mesh, because it seems it is more adapt to their network
topology ( at moment they use point to multipoint and seems this is affecting
negativley the growing rate of the netowork )
BTW from what i eared they have mostly ubiquity devices, with just one
ethernet port that with libre-mesh will be needed both for mesh and client
access, so stable working vlan is now a must ( disabling mesh or client access
on eth0 to cope with tplink switch bugs is not acceptable anymore ) so let's
see what we can do ;)
Moreover we are trying to organize a little hackerasmus session during xmas
vacation, hopefully we can advance with the firmware ;)