---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andreas Bräu <ab(a)andi95.de>
Date: 2017-03-06 16:49 GMT+01:00
Subject: [Battlemesh] GSoC Mentors Mailinglist
To: battlemesh(a)ml.ninux.org
Hi there,
I recently published a blog post for GSoC 2017 at
Hopefully this answers some questions to interested students, feel free
to share :)
Our next step is to invite you as possible mentors to the GSoC Dashboard
and to our mentors mailing list.
Can you please send me your email address you wish to be registered there?
After having you on the mailing list it will be easier to distribute
information, instead of writing to a bunch of different mailing lists :)
We also need it to discuss proposals later on.
The org admins you can contact via gsoc-org-admins(a)freifunk.net
Best regards,
Battlemesh mailing list