We will all have to take our approaches and see what shakes out.
Competition/forks/different approaches are what its all about! :)
Mitar <mitar(a)tnode.com> wrote:
BMX routing between batman-adv domains is the way
to go. It's a
fairly standard network design pattern (l2 edge/l3 agg/dist/core).
This is what you say but I simply cannot agree with that. It is a
approach, if I understand it correctly (running L3 routing protocol
L2 routing protocol). Write to the Batman mailing list and get
confirmation that they agree this is the way to go.
It will become the standard as the FreedomStack
sees widespread
deployment over the coming months.
I really doubt FreedomStack will see widespread deployment if your
networking stack will be such a combination. From what I know them,
nobody will move to that (except those who are already using BMX). :-)
But good luck making such a standard. Standard is not made by defining
one, but by using one. Currently, you are not really convincing. When
asked about some whitepaper explaining your rationale and architecture,
you are saying that we should call each other and talk. If this is your
approach to making your firmware popular, then even if the firmware
scales, your way of promoting it will not scale.
I really hate solutions where people think that because they like
features of A and features of B, let's just use both at the same time
and we will have features of A+B. Invest time to or move features from
Batman you like into BMX or to move features from BMX you like to
Batman. This is how the progress is done. Don't be afraid to code and
steal good ideas. This is what open source is about. This is what
happens between FreeBSD and Linux. Stealing (or rather, should I say
sharing - because none loses anything) from each other. But if somebody
would come and say, run FreeBSD and Linux at the same time and you will
have features of both ... Ehm ... In theory, this is doable. You can
have multiple kernels loaded at the same time. But how will this
interact? How much more complications will you have? What is the right
approach is to take features from one and put it into another.
Pau <pau(a)dabax.net> wrote:
On 28/07/13 02:50, Mitar wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>>> Well, this kind of discussions is what I was trying to avoid...
>>>> but it is my fault for starting it.
>>> No no. It is important to discuss this things. You cannot just
>>> believe that people would just take some firmware without trying
understand it and reasons for why something is like it is and not
>> some way around? So don't see this as a flame but more as a way to
>> teach/show.
Of course people should ask and understand before choosing some
specific existing solution. But I did not want to start this kind of
discussion here (in this post). I just wanted to let you know about
libre-mesh project.
Also I feel like you are trying to find some "week points" in our
approach to be able to say "it does not work for us" and I have to
defend it to convince you. I don't feel comfortable doing this, I
wanted to let you know about libre-mesh because I
have seen in your
WiKi many points in common with us. But of course the decision is
>>> It is exactly what we are doing.
Please see our repositories you
>>> will find lime-packages which is an OpenWRT feed.
>> Great!
>> This maybe means that talking about "firmware" is not the right
>> word. But more about a set of packages? Because then it is easier
>> to imagine that another community network takes few of those
>> packages and add few theirs and maybe even then put them all
>> together in one feed for later community network to build upon.
I like "firmware" more than "set of packages" because at the end
libre-mesh will be a firmware (software for embedded devices). But
it is just a way to refer to the same thing.
>> So I think the most important thing is
not to see firmware as one,
>> but to learn which problems/issues you already solved with which
>> packages and see how to build upon that and contribute back, no?
>>> Well, I would not say "few small scripts", it is a bit more than
>>> that. I don't know about which firmware are you speaking about
>>> but in my experience if you want to end up in a stable, powerful
>>> and flexible system you need more than "few small scripts".
>> Can you maybe just show us few examples of such scripts? Just so
>> that it is easier to imagine what kind of things one have to think
>> about when developing a firmware?
It is not yet done in Libre-Mesh because it is in development. But
can surf over the qmp.cat git repository to see
the amount of code we
have (just the luci-based web iface is more than a "few scripts").
If you want to do a generic solution (like libre-mesh) you need a lot
of code to adapt to any scenario. But of course, if you want to have
solution just for your network, the amount of
code could be quite
>>>> Ask yo AlterMesh guys who are starting having problems with
>>>> scalability. Can you imagine which is the total amount of ARP
>>>> packages in a 1000 nodes bat-adv cloud? (just to put an example)
>>> So only ARP packets are the issue. Other broadcast packets you can
simply drop with a ebtables firewall rule. You can still use
>> ZeroConf, because it is multicast and not broadcast.
Using ebtables is dirty and a patch to solve something that layer3
solves. And have you thought about IPv6? It does not have broadcast
but multicast link-local domains which can end-up in a big storm too
(RA announcements and requests).
>>> And for ARP packets Batman could probably provide some fake proxy,
>>> where the node would answer them directly instead of broadcasting
>>> them around. Or maybe tunnel them directly to the node who can
>>> answer them. (Because Batman knows exactly where any MAC address
the network is. You do not really have to broadcast around to get
>> this.) In a similar way that Batman currently handles DHCP by
>> intercepting the packets and responding itself.
Hey Mitar, would you try to layer2 bridge all the Internet? Or even
just your city? Collision domain is for small sets of computers, the
networking stack we are using based on MAC/IP is not ready to have 1k
computes in the same domain. Broadcast storms, ARP problems
poisoning!), huge overhead just to mention some
of the problems you
would have. IMHO trying to patch it by modifying batman-adv is a
mistake. Layer3 routing is exactly done to solve these situations.
>> So I am not sure that it is smart to add
another layer (another
>> routing protocol) of complexity to the networking stack, where we
>> could just learn and build upon existing tools. As you said, if I
>> paraphrase, not yet another routing protocol. Cannot we have just
>> one and all contribute to that one? So if Batman works in most
>> cases, let's fix those cases where it does not.
Guido already answered you and I agree with what he said. We had
several meetings with the Batman-adv guys and everybody accepted it
was a problem which has to be fixed using a second routing protocol.
It is complex to explain, if you want we can organize an audioconf.
>>>> Quagga is a suit which includes several routing protocols.
>>>> Quagga could be used to federate bat-adv and bmx6. But if you are
>>>> speaking about use static routing, I would just say it is a big
>>>> mistake (what happens when you have to paths to the same
>>>> cloud?).
>>> So are you saying that BMX should be run over whole mesh on layer
with Batman below on layer 2? Or are you saying that it should be
>> used only on gateways. I am not sure what exactly you are saying
>> here. Do you have some more concrete example/presentation of this
>> idea? So how does one packet travels around the network in your
>> topology of BMX + Batman?
>>> I agree with your approach about compare overhead and routing
>>> changes. However I can say this test was made during the
>>> WCW-Berlin.
>> For others, WCW is a yearly mesh-related even in Berlin, Wireless
>> Community Weekend:
>> More locally targeted for the whole Freifunk community to get
>> together from all around the country, once a year. (So most of the
>> stuff you will find will probably be in German. :-) )
>>> The scenario was around 15-20 nodes (ask UFO to to know it
>>> better) in a mobile scenario (it means someone moving nodes). All
>>> protocols were running at same time in different VLAN (see
>>> battlemesh firmware in github) so all of them were in the same
>>> situation.
>> Is there any description of the scenario? So if they were just
>> moving the nodes around without communicating with the node at the
>> same time, then this data is useless.
Mitar, you have been in the BattleMesh before. You know this is not a
perfect research environment. But Axel, Henning, Jow, Simon, Elektra
etc... were there supervising the experiments so I want to believe
results obtained are relevant since the elite of
the mesh networking
was there.
>>> Just to give you another detail, the
tested protocol which
>>> showed more difference between moving and not moving environment
>>> was Babel.
>> This might be just that Babel adapts in a smart way to the moving
>> and starts sending more updates. :-)
I don't think so. Babel acts as a static protocol when the network is
not moving, but when it moves it produces a very very high overhead
(compared to other distance-vector protocols). I don't see this very
smart since for static deployments you could do the same using BGP or
>>>> By the way, the conclusion of this tests was: BATMAN based
>>>> protocols are better in the overhead-mobile test.
>>> Yes. Their ways of updating the information about the network
>>> topology is really interesting and charming. But sadly the
>>> is not the only thing which matters.
Speed of convergence to new
>>> topology, no routing loops, and no disruptions in service are
>>> which are important as well.
Personally, I would not really care
>>> much if routing protocol has bigger
overhead if this means it
for people.
Of course it is not the only important thing. However in the last
BattleMesh, BMX6 was the better in coverage time and in best-path
selection. You have the results raw data in the battlemesh web page.
>>> And in general nodes do not really move around so much. Clients do
(Batman has roaming support for them), but nodes, not really. At
>> least until we have nodes installed on cars and bikes. Nodes do
>> come up and down and at that time it is not so important how fast
>> new topology converges, that is true.
It will depend on the environment. The scope of libre-mesh is cover
any kind of deployment.
>>> Cheers, Mitar. Hope to see you in
>> Sadly, I will not have time to attend the summit this time. :-(
Let me ask you something now. Is there any other "hacker" in this
project which knows about mesh networking? How many people do you
working on firmware? I hope this conversation is
useful for someone
else because at the end we are always the same people discussing the
same things (I did not know you were involved here!).
>> Mitar
mesh mailing list