Hi from Garraf (Barcelona). Here we are with Gioacchino installing Libre-mesh nodes around
and we are going to train a local group to lead Libre-mesh. People here use, understand
and install
guifi.net infraestructure nodes (RouterOS, AirOS, AP-WDS and BGP in both 5GHz
and 2.4GHz), and they don't know more. So I just start to write a Libre-mesh HowTo
oriented to this kind of base knowledge. I'm writing it in spanish and later I'm
going to translate it to english and catalan. It's going to become a first approach
to concepts like OpenWRT, ad-hoc, BMX6 and BATMAN-adv (without miths) for
It is based on questions and answers, so, if you want to help, you can write some
questions or try to write some answer. I'm doing it ehterpad here: