I came back from US at 8th of September so in this dates it is not
possible for me. However I'm interested and I can help in future work.
On 12/08/13 18:49, NicoEchániz wrote:
On 08/12/2013 12:32 PM, al wrote:
Hello from
Guifi.net - Catalonia.
People from a rural hacklab in Itatiaia (Brasil)[1] are going to
suporpt a intensive project for start to develop a free, open and
neutral network in rural areas in Brasil.
1st part of project start September 5th until 20th. We're going to
research social, economical and technological reality in rural areas
in Brasil, to make some links in this area and to develop free
software for their needs.
Of course I was thinking to do it with Libre-Mesh in cheap routers
and I hope some of you find this project interesting to come to work
on it together. They pay travels, food and host for a little team
(3-4 people).
I can not to decide who (they do it), but they tell me that if I know
about people that have the profile that I contact them and say them
that tomorrow 13th or 14th they are going to open the call to
collaborators. So, you are the people with perfect profile :) They
are going to choose first people that propose him or herself to the
At same time they are 3 or 4 other several projects about rural and
After this meeting we want to continue development of free networks
in Brasil and we're going to work in to get more supporters in
contact with "forumdainternet.cgi.br", "Tropixel" and
Thank you!
PD: Some of you can give me permissions to edit Libre-Mesh wiki? My
username is "al". Thank you.
Al yo entré a mirar y tu usuario ya está
aprobado, pero para que puedas
editar los Wikis hay que agregarte en los proyectos correspondientes.
Qué estabas queriendo editar? así miramos a qué proyectos corresponden
las cosas.
PD: buenísimo lo de Brasil! cuando lo charlemos un poco con la Iesi y
Guido te mandamos respuesta/propuesta. Justo hablamos con jesi hace poco
de que teníamos ganas de hacer algo allá :)
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