The idea is to make a meta-firmware which can be used
as basis to
create specific community firmwares. The project is named libre-mesh
To throw a ball back at you: why another meta-firmware? We already have
OpenWrt. Why libre-mesh cannot be just one package for OpenWrt, which
configures and depends on anything you believe should be there? Then
other communities can just fork that package and adapt it. Or just add
additional packages.
Because I don't see firwmare anything more than just a list of packages
+ configuration + few small scripts. I don't see this as such big
additional split of work as you are describing. Or is there more to
firmware development?
Batman-adv is very nice, but you cannot have a single
collision domain cloud for all the nodes because it does not scale.
Have this been proven/shown anywhere? Aren't there Batman-adv mesh nodes
with 1000 nodes in existence (or in fact in Batman-adv you do not care
so much about the nodes, but about number of individual MAC addresses in
the mesh, including clients and anything bridged to the mesh)?
So, the network have to be splitted in several clouds.
To federate
them a layer3 routing protocol is needed, so here is where we use BMX6
Why would you need to use BMX6 to federate them? Isn't just Quaga with
Batman-adv on both sides enough on a gateway node between clouds? Or are
you saying that BMX6 should run on top of Batman clouds on all nodes and
not just on gateways?
Why? because BMX6 (100% rewritten fork of Batmand with
IPv6 support) is very powerful and produces a very low overhead (see
But how does this overhead compare with speed of convergence (adaption
to the changes in the mesh). Because overhead is in general inversely
related to speed of convergence. More packets you send around, higher
the overhead is, faster you can inform everybody that there was a change
in topology. So this graph without a related graph of speed of how fast
the routing protocol adapted nodes is not really useful. So I am
interested in a scenario where somebody is actively talking to a node
which is moving around. If my connection to the node stays working while
in all cases, but one routing protocol has lower overhead to achieve
this, then this is a better routing protocol.