On 14/09/14 23:15, gabriel giovaniello wrote:
Hi, congratulations for this new tool, and your great
I’m doing first steps with libre-mesh firmware.
I flashed a WR841nd with dev binary corresponding to that router.
Hey gabriel,
we made quite a mess with versions while we're preparing a proper
release, so:
what's the URL where you obtained the firmware you flashed?
I can connect to router through switch ports and i
receive IP but when i
connect through wifi, my connection is kicked.
Here I send Log details of syslog in lime node web interface:
Sat Sep 13 12:18:30 2014 daemon.info <http://daemon.info> hostapd:
wlan0_ap: STA 00:1e:c2:b7:f6:42 IEEE 802.11: disassociated
Sat Sep 13 12:18:31 2014 daemon.info <http://daemon.info> hostapd:
wlan0_ap: STA 00:1e:c2:b7:f6:42 IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to
inactivity (timer DEAUTH/REMOVE)
Also i receive a list of:
kern.warn kernel: [ 1479.000000] br-lan: received packet on bat0 with
own address as source address
I tried to keep pinging interface but i’m kicked, i tried from 2
different notebooks and my cellphone and no luck. My ip is assigned and
seconds later wifi disconnects.
I tried also reflashing firmware and same issue.
How can i proceed?
*Gabriel H. Giovaniello*
*+54 2216230146*
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