Hi Al,
sorry for the late response. I'm currently working on a simplified setup
using Tinc, you can have a look here:
It's a rewrite (in English) of the complete documentation. If you want
to give it a try I'm happy to send you an invitation link.
Tinc 1.1 is available in both 17.06 and snapshot LibreMesh repos, so
should be easy to install.
On 2018-06-29 21:54, al wrote:
Hello! Working with Librenet6 configuration I found a
scenario where the
documentation go to an error that at the beginning is hard to understand
In Unix systems "hostname" could be an alphanumeric and accept the
hyphen ('-')[1], but Tinc "Name" accept alphanumeric and the
('_')[2], not the hyphen. So, there is a scenario not much uncommon
where we could have a hostname with hyphens like "virtual-server-1" or
So, those parts in documentation could became in a bug:
In Debian based:
Name = host_$(hostname)
In OpenWrt based:
HOSTNAME=$(uci get system.(a)system[0].hostname)
I have permissions for change the documentation and fix that issue, but
I want to talk with you about it because my fix proposal change the way
of naming hosts (beginning with an "host_" or "topo_") and it could
affect some of others of your scripts:
As is written in Tinc manual I think that they have knowledge about this
possible collision between to ways of naming hosts. So the manual says:
"If Name starts with a $, then the contents of the environment variable
that follows will be used. In that case, invalid characters will be
converted to underscores. If Name is $HOST, but no such environment
variable exist, the hostname will be read using the gethostname() system
About tinc environment variables[3].
So my proposal is changing from
Name = host_$(hostname) # bash variable
Name = topo_$HOSTNAME # bash variable
Name = $HOST # tinc environment variable
(And in the file names)
"host_myniceserver" to "myniceserver".
"host_virtual-server-1" (that will fail) to "virtual_server_1"
"topo_LiMe-0C9B" (that will fail) to "LiMe_0C9B"
But in this case we lost info about if the host came from Debian/Ubuntu
manual (host_) or came from OpenWrt manual (topo_).
What do you think?
Also we made an script for my machines that we can share, off course is
in case of an script that this standardization process has sense.
[1] As wrote in RFC 952 and RFC 1123
Name = <name> [required]
This is a symbolic name for this connection. The name must consist
only of alfanumeric and underscore characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _), and
is case sensitive.
($HOST environment variable (and maybe others) are not documented)
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