some months ago in a sprint, we finally both sat down together with Nico
to fight with lua, and at some point stumbled upon this
This is a collection of Lua libraries for Lua 5.1 and 5.2. You can load
the standard set with
require "std"
then i found out about luarocks, which is analog to ruby gems and python
and from there, other interesting libraries
This function transform any Lua table into a human-readable
representation of that table.
The objective here is human understanding (i.e. for debugging), not
serialization or compactness.
(Dedicated to Nico, a python programmer horrified by lua being
unable to print(table))
O projeto Luno tem o objetivo de prover API's para uso com a
linguagem de programação Lua que visem a facilitar a execução de tarefas
corriqueiras mas que não estão diretamente implementadas pela biblioteca
padrão do Lua.
Luno conta com os módulos luno.string, luno.table e Esses
módulos provêem funções extras para manipular strings (trim, split,
join, charAt, ...), io (getTextFromFile, ...), tabelas (imprimir
tabelas, concatenar, ...). O módulo luno.util provê funções de uso geral
como cópia (deep copy) e impressão (deep print) de variáveis.
finally, i found the following blogpost enlightening, it's a thorough
summary of differences and unexpected things, very helpful for me,
dealing with lua for the first time…
hope that helps someone,