Hi all!
Why the module batman-adv-auto-gw-mode is not included in lime-full?
Does it have a negative impact when all the remaining lime-full modules
are active?
I would like to understand this because I'm going to use a set-up with
lime-full + lime-hwd-ground-routing + batman-adv-auto-gw-mode.
And lime-hwd-usbradio? Isn't safe to include it in standard Libre-Mesh?
Ilario Gelmetti
Do you all get notified when a new issue is files on our GitHub
For example I just filed a feature request and an issue and there are 8
more on lime-packages [1].
If not, is there a way for having the notifications sent on this mailing
[1] https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-packages/issues
Ilario Gelmetti
On Thursday, December 17, 2015 06:37:02 PM vittgam(a)mietitrebbia.rocks wrote:
> On 17/12/2015 12:14:53 CET, Gio wrote:
> > On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 06:17:30 PM vittgam(a)mietitrebbia.rocks
> >> La soluzione dovrebbe essere quella di cambiare il MAC di eth0 o eth0.10.
> >> Proverò su eigenNet e ti farò sapere (mi è venuta in mente ora tutta
> >> sta cosa :D)
> >
> > Questo l'ho già provato io pero cosi' si rompe lo stack di networking di
> > linux in realtà anche se eth0.X si espone come un'interfaccia ethernet
> > all'utente non lo e' dentro, quello che succede a me e' che se i
> > macaddress
> > di eth0 ed eth0.X non sono gli stessi non ti arrivano piu' i pacchetti
> > sull'interfaccia taggata, in tutto questo si potrebbero fare prove per
> > esempio l'interfaccia eth0 in modo promisc ( non sembra una cosa pulita e
> > non ho pensate alle implicazioni che possa avere ) e vedere che succede
> > oppure l'altra strada che ho provato e' fare altri tentativi con macvlan
> > + vlan che pero non hanno funzionato visto che quando metti
> > un'interfaccia dentro a un bridge non sei piu' cosi' libero...
> Io credo che la modalità promisc sia impostata internamente da linux...
> In ogni caso se eth0 fa parte del bridge allora è già promisc di per sé,
> anche se ifconfig non lo dice (se ad esempio fai tcpdump -ni eth0 vedi
> che il kernel non dice più che l'interfaccia è entrata e poi uscita
> dal promiscuous mode; poi invece se non sbaglio lo dice appena la si
> mette nel bridge).
Other tests i have done are:
- While eth0 is bridged to create a macvlan on top of eth0 the kernel refuses
to create the macvlan saying that the device is busy
- Create a macvlan on top of eth0 and put the macvlan in the bridge, the
kernel accept to do it but seems a macvlan port is not capable of learning and
stuff like that, probably is that the kernel is not propagating the promisc flag
to eth0 meybe setting manually eth0 promisc mode may be helpful but i didn't
try it yet
- Don't use macvlan but change the mac address of br-lan the mac address is
changed but "br-lan: received packet with same mac" keep being printed on
> > Per far funzionare la macvlan con il bridge l'ho dovuta mettere in modo
> > passthru tuttavia questa modalità forza che il macaddress sia lo stesso
> > sull'interfaccia base e su quella macvlan tornando quindi alla situazione
> > iniziale...
> >
> > https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-packages/commit/c0e945c6b25dd1d802b188d
> > dcbc88047e614db7d
> >
> > Ho fatto prove con altre modalita di macvlan ma non sembrano funzionare in
> > presenza di bridge
> Mi sembra strano, le macvlan mi funzionavano su kernel più vecchi (3.2) in
> passthru e con mac addresses diversi (cioè è questo il punto delle macvlan),
> però su x86 e schede di rete Intel... Devo provare con OpenWrt su ar71xx.
Are you sure the macvlan was in passthru mode ? I noticed it have different
behaviour on different devices when you change the macaddress of a passthru on
a tl-wdr4300 it changes the macaddress of eth0 too while doing the same on a
mynet-n600 have no effect in the sense that no error message is printed as the
mac address was changed but doing ip link show the old mac address both for
eth0 and passthru,
> > Ti succede anche con batman recenti e/o con devices non ubiquity (ubnt
> > hanno bachi hardware/driver nelle schede ethernet -_- ) ?
> Batman 2013.4.0 e Ubiquiti PicoStation M2 su OpenWrt CC r46767, appunto.
> I bug delle ubiquiti sono assurdi, sembra che ce li hanno tutti loro...
> Anche alle nostre unifi gli si resetta l'ethernet a caso per colpa di
> un bug dell'ar7240...
On some nanostation M2 I do have in Sicilia disabling the ethernet rate
autonegotiation and fixing it to 100mbps full duplex with ethtool have reduced
the number of failures now the device is usable but i am not sure it solve all
> > Mentre invece purtroppo sembra che non sia lo stesso per macvlan :(
> Farò delle prove.. forse non è implementato ancora, perché la situazione
> era così per le VLAN ma ora hanno risolto da un pezzo...
> > Non ho capito bene come finiscono i pacchetti batman sugli AP
> Se allo stesso switch sono collegate due antenne (che parlano batman tra
> loro con una VLAN e allo stesso tempo bridgeano eth0 con bat0) e client
> ethernet e anche gli AP (gli AP non parlano batman), allora il traffico
> della VLAN di batman entrerebbe nel bridge degli AP e uscirebbe da wlan0.
> > pero sembra sia
> > un fattore fondamentale quello di usare firmware deversi nello stesso
> > spazio/tempo vero ?
> Per ora stiamo usando questo su CC r46767:
> https://gitlab.com/VittGam/eigenfw/tree/feed
> Prima usavamo un miscuglio di vecchi AA e BB con versioni di batman diverse
> (il firmware "eigennet" insomma).
> La rete ora è uniforme e funziona, e appena è stabile potremo cominciare ad
> aggiornare tutto a Libre-Mesh.
> Una cosa carina di questo firmware è che crea un'immagine unica
> autoconfigurante che decide configurazione (anche hostname e ipv4) in base
> al mac address dell'antenna su cui è flashato, non so se lime lo prevede,
> nel caso si potrebbe aggiungere ;)
LibreMesh has the same behavior by default ;)
> (Comunque l'approccio dell'eth0 con mac diverso da eth0.10 sta fungendo qui.
> eth0 fa sempre parte di br-lan qui comunque...)
Yeah i remember we used that approach in Pisa but it was with an old kernel,
with newer kernels on tl-wdrXXXX i don't get the packets on the vlan if the
mac address get changed
> > Che te ne pare se continuiamo la discussione su dev(a)lists.libre-mesh.org ?
> Perché no? Mi sono appena iscritto, credo che un admin debba autorizzare
> però.
Please add Vittorio in our list soon ;)
Hi all. I'm teaching on a workshop in Rio de Janeiro and people ask me
about a splash when they self-managed a installation on Chef. We think
that a splash is very useful in a new communities because it explain
about the network. I know that you can install nodogsplash, but I think
that it could be visible in the list of available and useful packages
(with a "-" symbol if you consider for size reasons, but present anyway):
I also attach one possible content to file
OCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
Plantilla Neutrona para Cyclope 3
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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="es" lang="es">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>{{NETWORK_NAME}} | Red Digital Comunitaria</title>
<meta name="Keywords" content="wireless, wifi, wi-fi, redes,
freenetwork, network" />
<meta name="Description" content="Red digital comunitaria" />
html{width: 100%; height: 100%;}
body {background-color: #eed; margin:0, padding:0; height: 100%; width:
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.entrar{float: right; padding: 5px; border: 2px outset #eed;
border-radius: 5px; text-align:center; background-color:#fd2;
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<body class="">
<div id="page">
<div id="content_container">
<div id="content">
<div class="content-view staticpage detail staticpage-detail html-content">
<div class="text"> <h1>Bienvenida a la Red Libre</h1>
<li>Eres libre de utilizar la red para cualquier propósito mientras no
perjudiques el funcionamiento de la propia red, la libertad de otros/as
usuarios/as, y respetes las condiciones de los contenidos y servicios
que circulan libremente.</li>
<li>Eres libre de conocer como es la red, sus componentes y su
funcionamiento, también puedes difundir su espíritu y funcionamiento
<li>Eres libre para incorporar servicios y contenidos a la red con las
condiciones que quieras.</li>
<li>Eres libre de incorporarte a la red y ayudar a extender estas
libertades y condiciones.</li>
<!-- <ul>
<li><center>Con el botón amarillo, obtienes acceso al resto de
<span class="entrar"><big><a href="$authtarget">OK</a></big></span>
Some pictures of LiMe makefile dependencies i produced for analysis
and debug of Lime usage in our prototype network i4free-gr
Hoping its useful for someone .
Program used to produce these upon request
Cheers 3zl (Reinhard)
writing some setup scripts we discovered that the wlan interface
naming changes in various branches.
Is the naming now fixed to 'wlan0_' in dev branch ?
3zl (Reinhard)
We do test TP-Link CPE 210/510 the driver of which has been found on CC
only the time we started with this routers.
We plan to substitude our std.routers UBNT-Nanostations Loco M2 with these
(more CPU power, more RAM) at same price.
The Nanostations also give us some problems loosing the ethernet link
sporatically, which does not have been the case with the TP-Link CPE for
see https://forum.freifunk.net/t/tp-link-cpe210-510/594/79 (german)
2015-10-29 14:00 GMT+02:00 <dev-request(a)lists.libre-mesh.org>:
> Send Dev mailing list submissions to
> dev(a)lists.libre-mesh.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.libre-mesh.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> dev-request(a)lists.libre-mesh.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> dev-owner(a)lists.libre-mesh.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Dev digest..."
> Asuntos del día:
> 1. Re: Lime now works on Chaos Calmer (3zl Trizonelabs)
> 2. Re: Lime now works on Chaos Calmer (Gio)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 15:36:31 +0200
> From: 3zl Trizonelabs <trizonelabs(a)gmail.com>
> To: dev(a)lists.libre-mesh.org
> Subject: Re: [lime-dev] Lime now works on Chaos Calmer
> Message-ID:
> <
> CAJuY50wZ+u9d0GBYpJjNgS79Mus1R9wdchqPhaL5rQgEL1yKCg(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> We try to incroporate Lime into network which is CC only (for
> techn.reasons)
> So thank you very much for your efford.
> Will test ist ASAP with new test-builds on BR15L and gathering some more
> dokumentation.
> Keep up the good work !
> 3zl / Reinhard
> ------------ próxima parte ------------
> Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML...
> URL: <
> http://lists.libre-mesh.org/pipermail/dev/attachments/20151028/9199b84d/att…
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 10:02:36 +0100
> From: Gio <gio(a)diveni.re>
> To: libre-mesh developement <dev(a)lists.libre-mesh.org>
> Subject: Re: [lime-dev] Lime now works on Chaos Calmer
> Message-ID: <1664446.6YIUudYyQY@giomium>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 03:36:31 PM 3zl Trizonelabs wrote:
> > We try to incroporate Lime into network which is CC only (for
> techn.reasons)
> Can you disclose this reason? Some interesting piece of hardware supported
> only in CC/trunk ?
> Cheers!
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> Dev(a)lists.libre-mesh.org
> https://lists.libre-mesh.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> Fin de Resumen de Dev, Vol 29, Envío 12
> ***************************************
We try to incroporate Lime into network which is CC only (for techn.reasons)
So thank you very much for your efford.
Will test ist ASAP with new test-builds on BR15L and gathering some more
Keep up the good work !
3zl / Reinhard
DISCLAIMER: This mail contain sarcasm! Please don't take it as a personal
insult but as an occasion to make fun of our own code and learn ;)
This morning I was reviewing the branch that claimed to fix incompatibilities
with Chaos Calmer, I even re-based it on top of current develop and gave it a
name that fits more in our branch naming convention...
After some testing and reading I decided to not merge it and to rewrite it
from scratch instead.
Some shitty part of our code that was network.generate_host instead of using
the IP API was messing a lot with CIDR private internals, as Lua is so
indulgent it didn't refused to run but our code was a real mess!
In the new version of the library that part has been rewritten in C and to Lua
it exposed just the API so our shitty code can't mess with the private stuff
anymore, in this situation our reaction instead of fixing our shitty code has
been to copy the old luci code before putting it inside our core and then
(more reasonably) as a separate package...
This morning I have decided to do what we should have done since the
rewrite the shit code so we don't need the old library anymore, in this
process I even discovered a Luci bug that Jow has already fixed (a missing
I was tempted to delete the wrong branch but i decided that is a good idea to
keep it some week more so we all have time to review and understand what we
have done wrong
And here it goes the branch with the proper solution
I have already tested it if no one oppose this I'll merge it in the following
I was reviewing our repo and found out lot of personal branch out of the
naming scheme we consensuated got inside our main repo.
I believe this happened by accidental error because all members of our github
organization has admin right on all repositories, i am changing this so there
is no possibility of pushing accidentally unwanted stuff and a pull request
have to be done