Today I was compiling libre-mesh 15.09 (which should be currently the
last stable release) using lime-build.
So I cloned lime-build and checkout branch "15.09". I found that the
branch 15.09 did not exist in any of our frozen repositories
(openwrt-routing, packages, libremap and oldpackages). So the
compilation process ends up without any error but also without any
packet such as bmx6 nor bat-adv.
I thought we the idea was that once we release a new version we create a
new branch to ALL the repositories including lime-build, so 15.09 must
exist. Am I wrong? I have created 15.09 from 15.04 to all the repositories.
If there is no objection I will write it down on our new web site to
make it clear forever.
On a TL-WDR3600 I was looking at the differences between the
/etc/config/network file in the last stable release and the develop
branch (great work going on there in these days!!).
Here are some lines which I want to bring to your attention (they could
be ok, but look suspicious to me):
config interface 'wan6'
option proto 'dhcpv6'
which becomes:
config interface 'wan6'
option proto 'none'
config device 'lm_anygw_dev'
which becomes:
config device 'lm_net__lan_anygw_dev'
(yes, with two joined underscores)
config device 'lm_wlan0_adhoc_batadv_dev'
option name 'wlan0-adhoc_203'
which becomes:
config device 'lm_net_wlan0_adhoc_batadv_dev'
option name '-lm-net-wlan0-adhoc_118'
this strange name (starting with a dash) repeats along the file
Then some more random observations :D
batctl if
prints just
eth0-2_118: active
while I expected to see also the wireless interfaces here
# ps |grep bmx
3509 root 1168 S grep bmx
so no bmx daemon is running?
sniffing on the ethernet ports of the router I can see batman packets
coming out just on the WAN port and not on the LAN ports.
I compiled the image using the new recommended system: lime-build
then I noticed that some of the packets that was suggested to deselect
by the old traditional compilation guide are indeed selected here:
Keep up with the good work :D
Ilario Gelmetti
On Friday 22 April 2016 01:34:50 Ilario Gelmetti wrote:
> Oi, come va?
> Quando con Gui abbiamo provato il lime develop ci siam resi conto che le
> interfaccie wifi non erano configurate e che quando si lanciava il
> lime-config dava un errore su un campo specific che stavi cercando di
> aggiungere ad una stringa.
> Ciao!
> Ilario
Should be solved by this commit
Fresh images for tl-wdrXXXX are being compiled right now and will be available
Check the build date to be after 7:26 PM of today
I don't have routers under my hands to test it myself right now so feedback is
very welcome!
Hi all!
Sorry for the delay (and for cross-posting) but finding out when the
devs are available was quite tricky.
So, the meeting will be this weekend, from Saturday 16th afternoon to
Sunday 17th morning (but likely there will be something going on also
on Friday evening).
The location is still not well defined, what I know is that it will be
somewhere in Valldoreix (Bcn).
Stay tuned.
Hi devs!
If you're not subscribed to LiMe-users list maybe you missed a
discussion [1] about having a small meeting of the Libre-Mesh
community in April somewhere in Catalunya.
This is thought as a warm up before the BattleMesh v9 and
developing/testing/debugging session for Libre-Mesh :)
Please join the discussion on LiMe-users list!
[1] "Catalan Libre-Mesh Meeting" in
I'm trying to configure bmx6. Using the basic configuration specified in
the wiki[1], I got the error:
[18958 0] ERROR dev_if_fix: No global IP for dev=wlan3 !
[18958 0] WARN dev_check: not using interface wlan3 (retrying
later): DOWN CHANGED ila=0 iln=0
I'd like some hints on setting the global IP for bmx. Also, what is the
format for the globalPrefix and llocalPrefix? I'll be happy to look at a
sample config file ~/etc/config/bmx6. When I use the luci web interface
using the <network>/<length> format, I get invalid llocalPrefix. Any
examples of globalPrefix as well as llocalPrefix values?
[1] https://github.com/axn/bmx6/blob/master/README.md
Richard Maliwatu
PhD student, ICT4D Lab
University of Cape Town
Computer Science Department
I'm Matteo from Ninux Bologna,
we are a Italian growing wireless community network and we use openwrt.
I bought a pair of TP-Link CPE510
(https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/tl-cpe510) to test
libremesh/openwrt on it because we are trying to find reliable
alternatives to Ubiquiti Nanostation M2/M5.
I checked the TOH of openwrt seeing that v1 was well supported, but the
CPE510 that arrived to me are v1.1.
Chaos Calmer seems to need a patch to support these antennas
I tried to edit the file adding the lines indicated in the diff and now
it's compiling, we'll see if it works.
I found that "stock" Designated Driver works well on the antennas, so I
built a libremesh image (with the manual process, not with lime-build),
it went well and it installed on the CPEs.
the images have been compiled following these steps:
beware they are customized for our network:
I know that on the site is written that building from trunk is not
supported, has anything changed?
Should I expect any known problems?
Having it installed on 2 identical devices, may I contribute in any way?
I have found what seems to be a problem: if I connect a client with eth
I can reach the rest of the network (the common gateway anche the ips of
the other devices) via IPv4 ONLY IF IPv6 is enabled, otherwise I can
reach only the recources I am attached to (in my test only the ip of the
thank you very much,
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] Dissociate STA based on SNR
Date: Monday 18 January 2016, 15:46:28
From: Bastian Bittorf <bittorf(a)bluebottle.com>
To: Nishant Sharma <codemarauder(a)gmail.com>
CC: openwrt-devel(a)lists.openwrt.org
* Nishant Sharma <codemarauder(a)gmail.com> [18.01.2016 15:40]:
> I was wondering if there is a way to dissociate STAs who say go below
> a minimum threshold SNR or signal level of say -65dBm in a multi-AP
> scenario?
we also faced this, while doing roaming.
i workaround is to have something like:
iw event | while read -r LINE; do
case "$LINE" in
*': del station '*|*': new station '*)
# wlan0-1: del station 00:21:6a:32:7c:1c
# wlan0: new station dc:9f:db:02:b8:ee
...your own logic here...
what we do e.g. is if a station connects for the
first time and signal is below -70, we just kick.
ubus call hostapd.$dev del_client '{ "addr" : "$mac", "reason" : "assoc
toomany", "ban_time" : 10000 }'
if the same mac connects during a specific time again,
we dont kick 8-) - really, it's just a workaround.
bye ,bastian
openwrt-devel mailing list
From AirOS 5.5.X to 5.6.X the size of memories on the flash changes so
that flashing OpenWRT (or other non AirOS firmwares) bricks the device.
From https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/ubiquiti/airmaxm
"Special Firmware Note: AirOS XM.v5.5.X images used U-Boot
(Dec 5 2012 - 15:23:07). The OpenWRT image can be successfully flashed
onto these versions of firmware. However, in July 2015 Ubiquiti released
a new version of firmware XM.v5.6.X. With this firmware a new U-Boot
version was released, U-Boot (Jun 10 2015 - 10:54:50). The
newer U-Boot version changes the memory size and starting address for
If the device has XM.v5.6.X, an older version of XM firmware can be
loaded from the AirOS webgui (for example XM.v5.5.10) and U-Boot will be
overwritten with the older version. OpenWRT can then be loaded onto the
device successfully."
Anyway if you have a way for un-bricking such devices let me know, as I
have 4 devices bricked this way.
There's also a bug report on this problem
PS sorry for cross-posting
Ilario Gelmetti
Hi all!
I was trying to set up two nodes with the ground routing approach [1]
using lime-hwd-ground-routing module.
For the first node the ground router was a TP-Link WDR3600 and
everything worked like a charm, amazing.
The problems come with the second node where the ground router was a
TP-Link WR1043ND-v1.
I configured the ground routing copying the example in lime.example file
[2] and changing just "option vlan" to "7", "option switch_cpu_port" to
"5" (from OpenWRT wiki [3]) and "list switch_ports" to "2". Then
lime-config, uci commit and reboot, as usual.
The autogenerated /etc/config/network did look ok.
The problem was that no vlan Q with id 7 tagged packets were coming out
from port 2.
I didn't have time to save logs, files or to do much debugging, I just
throw the ground routing approach and installed Libre-Mesh on every device.
Does anyone have this router (TP-Link WR1043ND-v1) for reproducing the
problems or any ideas of why this was happening?
[1] http://libre-mesh.org/projects/libre-mesh/wiki/Ground_routing
[3] https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/tl-wr1043nd#switch_ports_for_vlans
Ilario Gelmetti